Student (Community Hours)
Purpose of role:
To obtain community service hours to put towards graduation, all while assisting within the shelter completing various tasks
- Must meet age requirements (over 14 years of age with adult supervision/signed parental or guardian consent, 16 years of age with signed parental or guardian consent, or 18 years of age or older)
- Able to lift 15 pounds
- Able to assist with tedious tasks including (but not limited to) dishes, laundry, general maintenance of building (i.e sweeping and mopping floors, taking out garbages, cleaning windows, surfaces, etc).
- Familiar with animal behaviours and body language
- Able to work with minimal supervision once trained
- Able to work with all animal species (cats, dogs, small animals, reptiles, etc).
- Able to communicate with Animal Care Staff or CEC if animal medical or behavioral issue arises
- Stay consistent with logging hours (signing in and out) and maintaining a commitment to shifts
- Follow all shelter protocols, practices and instructions as directed by TBDHS
Primary Tasks/Responsibilities:
- Cleaning of shelter: Dishes, Laundry, Donation Organization, Garbages, Recycling, Poop Scooping when weather permits, Kennel Cleaning when needed
- Providing play and/or exercise with animals
- Providing visual and vocal stimulation to animals
- Mild grooming (i.e brushing)
- Relaying information to Animal Care Workers or CEC if any underlaying issues arise
- Documentation of hours
As per TBDHS recruitment expectations, Volunteers must complete:
TBDHS Volunteer application form
Interview with Community Engagement Coordinator (in-person, Zoom or Facetime)
Once accepted, complete an in-person tour and orientation
Note: Due to a high volume of Student Applications, only those who are accepted for quarter will be contacted to move forward.
We appreciate your patience.